Honduras mission trip

Want more information on our Parish to Parish and School to School Mission in Honduras? Want to know what it would mean to be a part of the team? Spanish speaking abilities helpful but not required.

Contact Paul Garcia (386) 734-3005 to gain some nuts ‘n bolts info on what it means to travel and what it means to be a part of the support team back home.

St. Barnabas Episcopal Church and School have established a five-year school-to-school and parish-to-parish relationship. We have committed to a minimum of two trips per year to build relationships with St. Mary’s Episcopal School (in Tegucigalpa) and the parishioners of St. Michael the Archangel (in Ojo de Agua). These mission team opportunities are open to students (12 years old & up) and adults. Traveling to Honduras is not required in order to be a part of the mission team. There are many opportunities to serve here to support those who will travel and our friends in Honduras. Prayer is our number one priority in preparation for those traveling as well as for St. Mary’s and St. Michael’s.

The travel dates and visits to Honduras are October 19-26 and April 11-18.

There will be fundraisers to help reduce the cost of the trip. Our first fundraiser will be on Sunday, September 13th at 12:30 PM, for more information please see below:

Would you also consider sponsoring a student or teacher? Donations of $$ and air miles to cover airfare are needed and greatly appreciated.

Schedule your personal tour: