exciting new personnel advancements at SBES!

Dear St. Barnabas Parents and Friends,

Mrs. Miles, Mr. Shaw, and I began dialoguing four months ago about the needs of all of our students and faculty (PreK- 8th grade). In the course of these discussions we focused on our team of faculty and administrators gifts and strengths. We realized that with a little re-alignment of the roles of our existing faculty and administration we can serve and support all of our students academic needs at a higher level. I am confident that our school will be better served with the following re-defined leadership roles. This will all be done without additional expense to the school’s budget.

Mrs. Miles (Master’s of Education in Gifted Education), will serve as our Student Success Coordinator for Prek – 8th as well our VPK Director. She will coordinate additional support for students in reading and math. Mrs. Miles will continue to coordinate our Enrichment Program. She will coordinate student success plans with faculty for students needing academic interventions as well as coordinate with parents for students needing outside tutoring and/or outside educational testing. She will also provide a third level of math for 6th & 7th graders. Mrs. Miles will continue to serve with Mr. Shaw as the Co-Chairs of our FCIS Accreditation Steering Committee.


Mr. Shaw (Master’s of Education in Educational Leadership).will serve as our Assistant Head of School and continue as our Athletic Director. Mr. Shaw will be assisting me with overseeing all PreK – 8th academic areas; PreK-8th grade honor / integrity concerns; as well as assist with the supervision, support, and professional development planning for all faculty (including assistant teachers).


Mrs. Sharon Baldauff is retiring from her head teaching position after thirty wonderful years, but she will continue as the assistant in the preschool classroom. This affords us the opportunity for her to impart her wisdom with Mrs. Katie Warren (new Pre-K teacher) while enjoying the reduced responsibilities and benefits as an assistant teacher.


Mrs. Martin (Master’s of Education in Elementary Education) will continue to teach 1st grade. She will also provide organizational support to Mr. Shaw and I related to all PreK – 8th grade faculty and assistant teachers.


Mrs. Lewis. (Master’s of Education and Educational Specialist Degrees) will continue to teach 2nd grade and will also be serving as our Curriculum Development Lead Teacher for PreK – 8th grade.


Mr. Joseph (Bachelor’s degree in Aeronautical Science) will teach 7th & 8th grade Earth and Life Sciences as well as Chemistry and Biology. He will continue providing leadership integrating educational technology trainings and development for PreK – 8th grade faculty and students.


Mrs. Layton formerly known as Miss Hill (Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education and Spanish ) will teach Spanish to our Preschool-5th grade students. Prior to coming to St. Barnabas she taught two years at a spanish speaking school in Costa Rica.


Mrs. Bobbi Mundell (Bachelor’s in Spanish and Business Administration) will be the facilitator for our World Languages Lab. This year we are offering students the option to choose from Spanish, French, Latin, and Mandarin Chinese.

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