Two Perspectives On Technology In Private Education

Where once online learning was a tool used primarily by colleges and universities, it’s now showing up in primary and secondary schools all over the country. The State of Florida even offers free access to an online curriculum called Florida Virtual School for all students (elementary through high school) in the state. And while online learning is not nearly as common as traditional schooling, there are plenty of parents who opt to enroll their children in this option. But how does online learning fit in with private education?
While our students are still coming onto our campus each day, there are ways in which we integrate technology into our curriculum. There are proponents on both sides of this debate, and here are two of the points of view you might consider.

The World Is Only Getting More Digital
Whether we like it or not the world is getting more digital every day, and our children are growing up in a world and in an educational system that is much different than ours. While you might associate classwork with pencil and paper, our students have access to technology that manages to make quizzes, tests, and general online learning more engaging. And while we don’t exclusively use technology in our classrooms, we are committed to providing students access to online forms of learning to prepare them for the digital life that lay ahead of them. Just as your childhood was more technological than your parents, your children will encounter new technology in their lives and careers that you can’t even imagine.

Bearing In Mind Different Styles Of Learning
While we are committed to using technology as a resource in our classrooms, there is one big reason that we prefer to mix forms of technology in with a traditional learning environment. The reality is, all people learn differently. Some people learn best aurally (by hearing), some visually, and others by trying things with their own hands. And with all of its advantages, not all technology meets the needs of these various types of learners. For example, an aural learner may benefit most from hearing a lecture yet struggle to absorb information read off of a computer screen.

It’s important to note that the digital learning debate isn’t a pro or con issue. Change to a more digital world is inevitable, but the question is: how do we find the right balance to ensure that all of our students are learning most effectively both academically and socially within the classroom. One of the greatest benefits of private education is the marriage of high-quality academic education with character development, and technology should be a benefit not a detraction from these two priorities.

For more information about how we integrate technology into our classrooms, or to take a tour of our campus, contact us today.

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